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글로 보는 오늘의 말씀

  1. No Image 30Aug
    by The Main
    2020/08/30 by The Main
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    2020/08/24 그리스도의 영감으로 말미암은 반응 / Christ-inspired Response

  2. No Image 23Aug
    by The Main
    2020/08/23 by The Main
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    2020/08/23 당신의 인생을 향한 하나님의 계획을 따르십시오 / Follow God’s Plan For Your Life

  3. No Image 23Aug
    by The Main
    2020/08/23 by The Main
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    2020/08/22 영광에서 영광으로 나아가십시오 / Making Progress From Glory To Glory

  4. No Image 23Aug
    by The Main
    2020/08/23 by The Main
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    2020/08/21 “작은 구름”은 의미하는 바가 있습니다 / The “Little Cloud” Means Something

  5. No Image 23Aug
    by The Main
    2020/08/23 by The Main
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    2020/08/20 선택의 문제입니다 / It’s A Matter Of Choice

  6. No Image 23Aug
    by The Main
    2020/08/23 by The Main
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    2020/08/19 다른 사람들을 돌보고 주의를 기울이십시오 / Give Care And Attention To Others

  7. No Image 23Aug
    by The Main
    2020/08/23 by The Main
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    2020/08/18 삶에서 분투할 필요가 없습니다 / Life Doesn’t Have To Be A Struggle

  8. No Image 23Aug
    by The Main
    2020/08/23 by The Main
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    2020/08/17 당신의 말이 당신을 보여줍니다 / Your Words Reveal You

  9. No Image 16Aug
    by The Main
    2020/08/16 by The Main
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    2020/08/16 도움없이 내버려두지 않으십니다 / Neither Helpless Nor Forsaken

  10. No Image 16Aug
    by The Main
    2020/08/16 by The Main
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    2020/08/15 그리스도가 이루신 일을 신뢰하십시오 / Trust In His Finished Works

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