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  1. 2021/05/22 영혼구원이 전부입니다 / All About Soul Winning

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  2. 2021/05/21 예수님의 이름을 찬양하십시오 / Celebrate The Name Of Jesus

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  3. 2021/05/20 목적 있는 삶 / A Purposeful Life

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  4. 2021/05/19 열렬히 중보기도하십시오 / Labouring In Intercession

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  5. 2021/05/18 주님의 유언이 집행되고 있습니다 / His Will Is In Force

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  6. 2021/05/17 삶의 영적인 면을 이해하십시오 / Understanding The Spirituality Of Life

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  7. 2021/05/16 하나님은 기도하도록 우리를 초청하셨습니다 / He Invited Us To Pray

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  8. 2021/05/15 예언을 받으십시오 / Receiving Prophecies

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  9. 2021/05/14 당신을 위한 더 큰 은혜가 있습니다 / There’s More Grace For You

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  10. 2021/05/13 하나님의 음성 안에 있는 사랑 / Love In His Voice

    Date2021.05.16 ByThe Main Views0
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