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  1. 2021/02/21 한 빵과 한 몸 / One Bread And One Body

    Date2021.02.27 ByThe Main Views0
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  2. 2021/02/20 당신의 믿음은 시험 받게 될 것입니다 / Your Faith Will Be Tested

    Date2021.02.20 ByThe Main Views0
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  3. 2021/02/19 세상에 주는 선물 / A Gift To The World

    Date2021.02.20 ByThe Main Views0
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  4. 2021/02/18 당신 안에 있습니다 / It’s In You

    Date2021.02.20 ByThe Main Views0
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  5. 2021/02/17 당신이 들은 바를 점검하십시오 / Examine What You Hear

    Date2021.02.20 ByThe Main Views0
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  6. 2021/02/16 더 많은 지식을 더하십시오 / Add More Knowledge

    Date2021.02.20 ByThe Main Views0
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  7. 2021/02/15 기도에 더욱 관심을 기울이십시오 / Give More Attention To Prayer

    Date2021.02.20 ByThe Main Views0
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  8. 2021/02/14 하나님의 영광을 위해 행하십시오 / Do It For His Glory

    Date2021.02.20 ByThe Main Views0
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  9. 2021/02/13 먼저 능력을 활성화하십시오 / Make Power Available First

    Date2021.02.20 ByThe Main Views0
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  10. 2021/02/12 끈질기게 계속 기도하십시오 / Persisting In Prayer

    Date2021.02.20 ByThe Main Views0
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