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  1. 2021/01/22 환난이 있을 때 기뻐하십시오 / Celebrate When The Squeeze Is On

    Date2021.01.22 ByThe Main Views0
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  2. 2021/01/21 말씀으로 보고 그에 따라 말하십시오 / See By The Word And Speak Accordingly

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  3. 2021/01/20 오직 승리만 있습니다 / Victories ONLY

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  4. 2021/01/19 당신의 입에 있는 믿음의 말씀 / The Word Of Faith In Your Mouth

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  5. 2021/01/18 그리스도의 고난의 영광스러운 열매 / The Glorious Result Of His Suffering

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  6. 2021/01/17 예수 이름 안에서 우리의 권세를 인식하기 / Recognizing Our Authority In His Name

    Date2021.01.17 ByThe Main Views0
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  7. 2021/01/16 찬양은 말로 표현되어야 합니다 / Praise Must Have Content

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  8. 2021/01/15 의와 화평 / Peace And Righteousness

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  9. 2021/01/14 의식적으로 당신 안에 말씀을 심으십시오 / Consciously Sow The Word In You

    Date2021.01.17 ByThe Main Views0
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  10. 2021/01/13 당신은 그리스도라는 장소에 있습니다 / You’re In The Place Called Christ

    Date2021.01.17 ByThe Main Views0
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