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  1. 2020/12/23 당신의 심령에 살아계신 그리스도 / Christ Alive In Your Heart

    Date2020.12.26 ByThe Main Views0
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  2. 2020/12/22 전 세계에 복음을 전하십시오 / Tell It Around The World

    Date2020.12.26 ByThe Main Views0
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  3. 2020/12/21 절대 예수님에 대해 부끄러워하지 마십시오 / Never Ashamed Of Him

    Date2020.12.26 ByThe Main Views0
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  4. 2020/12/20 당신의 삶을 영광스럽게 만드십시오 / Make Your Life Glorious

    Date2020.12.20 ByThe Main Views0
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  5. 2020/12/19 우리는 예수님처럼 빛입니다 / We’re The Light…Just Like Jesus

    Date2020.12.20 ByThe Main Views0
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  6. 2020/12/18 우리는 왕 같은 제사장입니다 / We Are King-Priests

    Date2020.12.20 ByThe Main Views0
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  7. 2020/12/17 예수님은 당신을 대표하십니다 / He’s There In Your Name

    Date2020.12.20 ByThe Main Views0
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  8. 2020/12/16 복음은 당신에게 맡겨졌습니다 / The Gospel Is In Your Trust

    Date2020.12.20 ByThe Main Views0
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  9. 2020/12/15 당신을 향한 하나님의 꿈에 순종하십시오 / Submit To His Dream For You

    Date2020.12.20 ByThe Main Views0
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  10. 2020/12/14 항상 영감을 받고 불타오르십시오 / Inspired And Afire ALWAYS

    Date2020.12.20 ByThe Main Views0
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