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  1. 2020/09/13 그리스도 안에서 완전하고 온전합니다 / Perfect And Complete In Him

    Date2020.09.13 ByThe Main Views0
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  2. 2020/09/12 하나님의 꿈을 이루는 것에 집중하십시오 / Focus On Fulfilling His Dream

    Date2020.09.13 ByThe Main Views0
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  3. 2020/09/11 하나님의 덕과 탁월함을 나타냅니다 / Manifesting His Virtues And Excellence

    Date2020.09.13 ByThe Main Views0
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  4. 2020/09/10 이름에 대고 말하십시오 / Address Them By Name

    Date2020.09.13 ByThe Main Views0
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  5. 2020/09/09 거짓 교사들을 조심하십시오 / Beware Of False Teachers

    Date2020.09.13 ByThe Main Views0
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  6. 2020/09/08 우리는 이 땅에서 순례자들입니다 / We’re Pilgrims In The Earth

    Date2020.09.13 ByThe Main Views0
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  7. 2020/09/07 휴거가 그 어느 때보다 가까이 있습니다 / The Rapture Is Closer Than Ever

    Date2020.09.13 ByThe Main Views0
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  8. 2020/09/06 교회는 하나님의 보물입니다 / The Church Is God’s Treasure

    Date2020.09.13 ByThe Main Views0
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  9. 2020/09/05 복음에 충실하십시오 / Stay True To The Gospel

    Date2020.09.05 ByThe Main Views0
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  10. 2020/09/04 말씀을 통해 자신을 보십시오 / See Yourself Through The Word

    Date2020.09.05 ByThe Main Views0
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