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글로 보는 오늘의 말씀

  1. 2019/12/18 겸손을 유지하십시오 / Remain Humble

    Date2019.12.22 ByThe Main Views0
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  2. 2019/12/17 분노에 대한 대가가 있습니다 / Anger Will Cost You

    Date2019.12.22 ByThe Main Views0
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  3. 2019/12/16 말씀을 숙고하고 실천하십시오 / Contrive And Practise The Word

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  4. 2019/12/15 감사하는 생활 방식 / A Life-style Of Thanksgiving

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  5. 2019/12/14 집중하십시오 / Be Focused

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  6. 2019/12/13 나가서 승리하십시오 / Go Forth And Win

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  7. 2019/12/12 우리가 속한 왕국의 가치관을 유지하십시오 / Uphold Our Kingdom Ideals

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  8. 2019/12/11 말씀을 이해하십시오 / Understanding The Word

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  9. 2019/12/10 더 이상 약속은 없습니다 / No More Promises

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  10. 2019/12/9 그리스도 안에서 행하십시오 / Walking In Christ

    Date2019.12.14 ByThe Main Views0
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