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글로 보는 오늘의 말씀

  1. 2021/06/18 관계에 대한 지식 / A Knowledge Of Relationship

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  2. 2021/06/17 균형 잡힌 삶 / A Balanced Life

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  3. 2021/06/16 그리스도를 통해 다스립니다 / Reigning Through Christ

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  4. 2021/06/15 예언적 지시를 따르십시오 / Follow Prophetic Instructions

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  5. 2021/06/14 기도 중에 기도하십시오 / “Praying In Prayer”

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  6. 2021/06/13 모든 사람을 위해 기도하십시오 / Pray For All Men

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  7. 2021/06/12 이름으로만 살아있지 마십시오 / Don’t Live In Name Only

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  8. 2021/06/11 하늘의 왕국 / The Kingdom Of Heaven

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  9. 2021/06/10 성령님의 진정한 기쁨 / His True Delight

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  10. 2021/06/09 다스리는 자들은 선한 일을 위해 존재합니다 / Civil Authorities Are For Good Works

    Date2021.06.12 ByThe Main Views0
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