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  1. 2021/01/30 당신이 가진 것을 불러일으키십시오 / Stir Up What You’ve Got

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  2. 2021/01/29 하나님은 당신을 개인적으로 사랑하십니다 / He Loves You PERSONALLY

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  3. 2021/01/28 하나님의 임재 안에 있는 축복 / Blessings In His Presence

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  4. 2021/01/27 평안은 하나님으로부터 옵니다 / Peace Is From God

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  5. 2021/01/26 새로운 피조물은 치유의 언약이 필요하지 않습니다 / No Covenant Of Healing For The New Creation

    Date2021.01.31 ByThe Main Views1
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  6. 2021/01/25 성령의 충만함 / The Fullness Of The Spirit

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  7. 2021/01/24 당신의 선포가 실재를 만듭니다 / Your Proclamation Makes It Real

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  8. 2021/01/23 교회는 그리스도의 충만함입니다 / The Church Is The Fullness Christ

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  9. 2021/01/22 환난이 있을 때 기뻐하십시오 / Celebrate When The Squeeze Is On

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  10. 2021/01/21 말씀으로 보고 그에 따라 말하십시오 / See By The Word And Speak Accordingly

    Date2021.01.22 ByThe Main Views0
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