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  1. 2022/12/02 우리는 항상 기도해야 합니다 / WE OUGHT ALWAYS TO PRAY

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  2. 2022/12/01 안에 있는 지성소 / THE INNER SANCTUARY

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  3. 2022/11/30 견고한 토대 / The Sure Foundation

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  4. 2022/11/29 당신의 길에는 무언가 있습니다 / There’s Something In Your Path

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  5. 2022/11/28 당신의 “필요”는 당신의 믿음을 활성화시킵니다 / Your “Need” Activates Your Faith

    Date2022.12.03 ByThe Main Views0
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  6. 2022/11/27 말씀은 믿음을 불어넣습니다 / The Word Imparts Faith

    Date2022.12.03 ByThe Main Views0
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  7. 2022/11/26 죽음과 지옥에 대한 통치권 / Dominion Over Death And Hell

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  8. 2022/11/25 믿음은 타당한 증거입니다 / Faith Is The Cogency Of Evidence

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  9. 2022/11/24 성경은 모든 것을 설명합니다 / The Bible Explains It All

    Date2022.11.26 ByThe Main Views0
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  10. 2022/11/23 우리의 영원한 변호자 / Our Eternal Advocate

    Date2022.11.26 ByThe Main Views0
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