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  1. 2022/11/12 열방을 위한 기도에 힘쓰십시오 / Travailing In Prayer For The Nations

    Date2022.11.12 ByThe Main Views0
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  2. 2022/11/11 복음에 완전히 팔리십시오 / Sold-out To The Gospel

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  3. 2022/11/10 말씀을 공부하는 습관을 들이십시오 / Make It A Habit To Study The Word

    Date2022.11.12 ByThe Main Views0
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  4. 2022/11/09 사탄의 권세에서 벗어났습니다 / Out Of Satan’s Domain

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  5. 2022/11/08 당신 마음 안에 있는 말씀 / The Word In Your Heart

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  6. 2022/11/07 하나님과의 화평 / Peace With God

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  7. 2022/11/06 예수님은 우리를 통해 다스리십니다 / He Reigns Through Us

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  8. 2022/11/05 동일하신 하나님 – 동일한 간증 / Same God – Same Testimonies

    Date2022.11.06 ByThe Main Views0
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  9. 2022/11/04 예수님의 이름 “안에서” 침례 받았습니다 / Baptized “Into” His Name

    Date2022.11.06 ByThe Main Views0
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  10. 2022/11/03 당신 안에 있는 하나님의 능력에 자부심을 가지십시오 / Pride Yourself In His Ability

    Date2022.11.06 ByThe Main Views0
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